US Politics

Working to improve the US 20th century politics.


See Update below.

It is time to get our hands onto the soil to make new life.

The American idea that the minority can rule the USA perpetually has had its time and is over. There will not be a civil war but rather the reeducation of children toward democracy. For those unfamiliar with US politics, SCOTUS = Supreme Court Of The United States.


The Five Main Properties of the Trump Era Supreme Court

March 15, 2024 (CANADIAN Perspective)


  • Dishonest
  • Unethical
  • Immoral
  • Corrupt
  • Illegal

This affects Canada. The next 3 terms of a new Trump presidency (4 terms in all) will see the USA under Trump take over Canada, the Entire West coast, the entire East Coast, the entire St. Lawrence seaway (both sides), the entire great lakes BOTH sides, all the resources of the Canadian mid West and the Arctic.

Canada has a stake in this so, here we go with Canadian logic.

The guiding principle is that ‘a Supreme Court that does not represent all the people has no legitimacy’.

The former balance of power structure the USA, used in the past, has had its time and, its flaws have now been revealed. Obviously Americans need some help. The present state (2024) of US politics direly needs help.


Plan to MODIFY, UPDATE, IMPROVE the United States Political Structure 

Working to improve the US 20th century politics.

It is suggested that you Americans should tweak these plans below as you see fit after you have let the people speak (through Elections).


The one solution is, -‘through elections’-.

1. Bring in a Democratic Presidency.
(The idea that the presidency should alternate the political parties is flawed.)

2. Bring in Democratic House of Representatives to the 61 % level by electing them.
(Remove the encumbrances to rule after Elections.)

3. Bring in Democratic Senate to the 61 % level by electing them.
(Remove the encumbrances to rule after Elections.)

4. Increase the size of the Supreme court to 15 justices (11 justices will likely will not be representative).
(Set the US Supreme Court to represent ALL the people.)

5. Set in law the ethical standards of the Supreme Court justices.
(The US Supreme Court has shown it CANNOT and, will not, regulate itself.)

6. Remove the ‘appointment-for-life’ standard in the Supreme Court Appointments.
(It is not correct to give unelected lawyers the rights to MAKE LAWS especially for their entire lives.)

7. Set up laws to remove Dishonest, Unethical, Immoral, Corrupt and Illegal Supreme Court Justices. Set laws that do not depend on any balances in the federal legislatures.
(Ie. Disband the 60% rule.)

8. Remove ALL gerrymandering of election boundaries nationwide forever.
(Elections MUST be fair and honest.)

9. Remove this unwritten rule that the legislature should almost always have the ‘House’ and the ‘Senate’ opposing each other party wise, as some sort of esoteric balancing act.
(That idea create stasis in the legislature.)

10. Remove the Presidential Electorate system as a corruptible system and establish the presidency to be won by a majority rule of 50% + 1.
(Establish a rule for defining what a 50-50 tie is and how to break it.)

11. REMOVE any meddling of the Supreme Court in all Federal elections.
(Unelected lawyers should have no say in who becomes the US President.)

12. Eliminate the insane idea that it is okay to lie to the people in politics, especially during election politicking.
(Lying is NOT free speech. Lying leads to the TRUMP ERA SCOTUS Properties.)

13. All judges at all levels must recuse themselves when a president, or when presidential issues come up before them, with regard to a president who appointed them.
(Democracy requires fair and unsoiled judges making rulings. The issue of a ruling judge giving orders about a President who appointed them, or offering a vote with regard to a president who appointed them, opens the way for corruption if the judge remains on the case or the vote. As this has already occurred at the Supreme Court level, then its is pertinent now days no matter how irrelevant it has been in the past. Failure to recuse brings removal.)

14. All judges must recuse themselves when family member cases come up before them, or cases where family members have integral investment.
(This is far more than the impression of impropriety. A law needs to be set for them.)

15. Experience of judges is extremely important to cases. A review of the method judges are assigned to cases needs review due to the 'Cannon Assignment' with regard to the Trump case, is in order to ensure competent experienced judges on cases. When one understands that the method Cannon was appointed was inappropriate due to inexperience, and then the method she was assigned was inappropriate due to inexperience, then a rule needs to be put in place to avoid inexperienced incompetent judges from taking control of monumental cases. The flaw is the political interference in these judicial processes.


When insufficient education fails to bring a population base to deeper human level thinking, then you will have a polarization in the population base between those who rely on their emotions as opposed to those that rely on their thinking abilities. This phenomena is worldwide. The wealthy then prey on the uneducated to get their own way that increases their wealth at the expense of the uneducated.


Throughout history the wealthy have wanted the uneducated to remain uneducated so that these uneducated people will not see through fallacious arguments offered by the wealthy.


There will always be a portion of the population who cannot think clearly, cannot see into the future even for a few weeks or months and cannot parse the spoken word for lies. This is because people mature at varying speeds, to varying levels of maturity and to varying feelings of security. Some people are so immature that they cannot make decisions for themselves. Freedom though, implies that these people should also have a say. Politics worldwide, evolves to manipulate this specific sector of the human race. These politicians will use lying, stealing, killing and the belief that magic is real, as tools to an end because they function at the level of the emotions due to immaturity and insecurity at the deep human thinking level. A great many people will remain immature, insecure and lazy their entire lives. They don’t know how to make decisions for the good of the group because their level of thinking is dominated by thinking about themselves first and foremost. Their laziness will apply into their politics. This is the beginning of the polarization in politics. The rest is history.


 AND, the rest is History:...


 UPDATE    Make NEW History

Lawyers make the laws, lawyers argue the laws, lawyers argue the appeals to the laws.

Politicians are tasked with doing the grunt work which is then modified by unelected lawyers at their will. This is not democracy.

With the final arbitrator the Trump Era SCOTUS Properties listed above, a reasonable solution is to make that SCOTUS irrelevant. Maybe consider oh, some sort of NOTWITHSTANDING clause? The notwithstanding clause means that regardless of what the SCOTUS rules on, WE THE PEOPLE are setting aside that SCOTUS ruling. This notwithstanding option is for the use of State Legislatures.

This is not civil war. This is not disrespectful. This is not anarchy or chaos.

What this is, is DEMOCRACY.

With a SCOTUS that represents ALL the people, the Notwithstanding clause would see very little use by State legislatures.

Democracy by the People for the People